
Planning is one of the human occupations in his social life but its conception has been changed along with social changes. Today, university planning is facing crisis regarding its complex situation: so liner approach in planning cant anwer to the university systems reform and perception. In most "developing countries", imitation approach from the industrial specific and unique situation. The important thing is planning thought which attend to past, present and future dynamic communication in university situation. if until now future was an important thing for the planning, after this, dialectic of past, present and future will be determine in planning. Planning thought with emphasize on university dynamic realities based on their background profit from different science and techniques for planning in university development therefore the planning for the university development has been situated in the interdisciplinary area. This article, delibrate on university complex systems and critique liner approach in higher education and universities planning; So, in this study planning thought is examining as an interdisciplinary and creative issue in the development planning of university.


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