Document Type : Original Research Paper


Associated Professor Of Linguistics, Payame Noor University


The broadest language realm is the realm in which language is connected with the domains outside itself. In this scale, language has an impact on some of the environmental factors and receives influence from some of them. One of the most important of these areas is the domain of education. In this article, using a descriptive–analytical research method, while introducing a new field which is prevailing in large universities in the world, the usefulness of running it in line with development of language studies with regard to Iranian linguistics issues in particular in education is dealt with. The result of the study shows that the educational linguistics as a bridge between lingual world and educational system tries to organize the educational activities with regard to lingual issues in a more ideal way. The studies of educational linguistics are focused on the role of language in learning and education. While emphasizing on the integration of linguistics and education, and using the methods and theories of linguistics, this scientific field considers the practical issues and problems of formal educational systems in the area of language learning and learning through language. It is also necessary to pay attention to three realms of language learning, learning sciences through language and the cultural and educational role of language in designing curriculum of educational linguistics in Iran. The solution to expand this study field in Iran is to establish the mission-oriented post graduate courses which could provide necessary grounds to solve the common issues between language and education.


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