Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and the Fundaments of Islamic Law, University of Payam-e-Noor.

2 Ph.D. Student of Jurisprudence and the Fundaments of Islamic Law, Justice University.


Future study is a new interdisciplinary science that is classifying in part of the science and technology applications. Future study have introduced as a science and art of discovering and shaping the future. Till now future studies in various field soft technologies, economics, politics, and other various methods and experts have been identified and presented many trends in the relevant fields. On the other hand changes in the world are so fastso homologize with it, is so difficult. This retrospect sometimes leads to and looking away from the present and future and puts jurisprudence inthepassiveposition.That iswhyallourefforts  aremaking theFutureelement in to the fight that decision makers of jurisprudence field would have preemptive deal with future changes. With this assumption in this paper we tried to combine the interdisciplinary science with the jurisprudence, and made its concepts and methods Conceptualization and equivalent generally. The researchinthis paperisdescriptive.


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