
1 Faculty member, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. in Cultural Communications, Soore University, Tehran, Iran.


Different aspects of the poetry of Hafez have been studied so far.  The material and non-material features of his poetry have been examined in different fields such as literature and anthropology. Due to the influence and importance of Hafez’s poetry, it seems that it can be studied from the perspective of other fields as well. Communications science is among these fields, dealing with how and why communications are established between the speaker and the audience. In the present article the nonverbal aspects in the poetry of Hafez are studied. It seems that the verbal aspects of his poetry are not the only factors that have made it remain popular with the audience through generations; nonverbal aspects have played a great part as well. This article aims to examine the literary work in terms of nonverbal communications in order to demonstrate the skill of the poet in establishing communications with its audience beyond the boundaries of speech; the poet’s mastery over this feature is also culturally interpreted. The utilized method is qualitative content analysis.


1. Interpreting the ghazals of Hafez without a sociological and communicational perspective is not comprehensive.

2. The hidden and manifest content in the interpretation of a literary text is of great importance.

3. Features such as the distancing effect and the social status of the speaker and audience, as interpretable elements in literature, are among the most important nonverbal characteristics in the poetry of Hafez.

4. Nonverbal signs that can be extracted from the text, such as tone, can be considered among the influential interpretations in literature.


Main Subjects

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