Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Professor in Personality Psychology, Kharazmi University, Institute for Educational, Psychological and Social Research, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor in Psychology, Kharazmi University, Institute for Educational, Psychological and Social Research, Tehran, Iran.


Psychology as a hub science has a good capacity to connect human sciences. Purposes of this article were: Reviewing historical interest among psychologist for interdisciplinary studies; Investigating common issues between psychology and other human sciences; Explaining psychological causes for failures of interdisciplinary studies in human sciences in Iran; Clarifying role of interdisciplinary institutions for higher education development; Presenting ways for integrating psychologist in interdisciplinary studies in Iran. Interdisciplinary studies need to develop interdisciplinary institutions that consider psychological, social and moral needs of human being and society. In Iran, maladaptive group process in team work, self-serving bias and shortages of interdisciplinary institutions as a social scaffolding for developing of human science may probably explain failures of interdisciplinary cooperation. Development of interdisciplinary institutions which psychology could have an active role needs to alter educational curriculums for psychology, developing new domain of psychology, and adopting discursive perspectives in psychology.


  • Establishing interdisciplinary research centers could be one way to develop higher education in human sciences in Iran.
  • Failures of psychology curriculums, dominance of cognitivism in psychology and inattention to social constructive epistemology were the main causes of low participation of psychologists in interdisciplinary studies in Iran.
  • Social process like self-serving bias, diffusion of responsibility, social loafing and polarizing seemed have possible roles in failures of interdisciplinary collaborations in human sciences.


Main Subjects