
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The present paper follows two aims: first it will look into the process, and not the history of the evolution of interdisciplinary approaches, and second it will present exaptational evolution as the complementary phase based on foresight management. Hence it will be demonstrated that the interdisciplinary process has already surpassed the mode 1 methodology and is currently completing and the mode 2 methodology. It will also be suggested that the evolution so far has been an adaptational one, will become exaptational within a framework that the author terms engaging engineering. Thus the paper will review the distinctions made within the broader interdisciplinary field, investigate its motivation and explain Raison d’étre of the approach, discuss the challenges in its way, offer the required features and last but not least explore the author’s proposal to enhance efficiency in its consolidation and expansion.
