Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 PhD student in Criminal Law and Criminology Faculty of Law and Political Science Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad

2 Associate Professor Department of Faculty of Law and Political Science Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad,

3 Assistant Professor Department of Faculty of Law and Political Science Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad, ,



due to the increasing need of countries to energy resources , new and diverse topics in the field of law and energy have been designed that will strengthen the need for extensive studies and researches in this field . legal aspects of the exploitation of energy types including protection of the environment , foreign policy , creation of legal rules at domestic and international levels , energy security , and other issues of countries require studies between the field and the diffusion of legal researches related to energy . one of the major trends in the fields of several countries such as australia , england , the united states , and canada is the " energy law " . the fact that the tendency of its energy to be under other specialized agencies is increasing its value as a field of education and it can be said that the establishment of " " energy law " " tendency as a interdisciplinary tendency , considering its scope and content in the curriculum of the faculty of law of other countries , including iran , is undeniable . this article tries to provide an appropriate context for energy law as a interdisciplinary tendency to the students of law and other related disciplines . ~~~ for this purpose , in addition to explaining the concept , characteristics and status of energy , we will examine the principles , elements and levels of this tendency .


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