Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Shahid Beheshti University.

2 Assistant professor of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Imam Sadegh University.


Cultural translation is one of the most important Linguistic necessities of interdisciplinary studies in which its purpose is matching the cultural themes of variant disciplines. Cultural semiotics has tree models for this purpose: Cultural Other, Semiosphere & Creolization. The model of Cultural Other supposes empathy as a key for resolving “other” in Intercultural communication. Semiosphere is the one in which its center the cultural texts introduce and outside of it, anarchy threats the inside of Semiosphere; and it is the Cooperation of inside and outside of the Semiosphere that create a new culture. In Creolication model, the formation of intercultural languages has examined. Knowing the state of this, could lead the interdisciplinary researchers into a criterion interdisciplinary. Undoubtedly the cultural study of linguistic necessities in interdisciplinary studies. So the cultural semiotics models are the maintain Framework for this article.


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