
Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, ‎Šahr-e Kord University, Šahr-e Kord, Iran.


The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between structural narratology and interdisciplinary studies. We will try to answer two main questions: What factors have been effective in narratology’s orientation toward interdisciplinary studies? Is this tendency the result of a possibility in narration or a methodological necessity? The movement of narratology to interdisciplinary is observable not only in new narratological tendencies but also in changes in structural theories. Therefore, this article will trace the roots of this tendency in the revises and critiques of these theories until 1970s. By tracing these changes it can be realized that the theories of structural narrotology have broken with idea of independence and self-sufficiency of literature and embraced other disciplines. The main factors in these changes are: attention to cultural elements and reading process in the perception of narrative structure. These considerations have been accompanied by some results; first, the main targets of narratology changed from investigating textual properties to reading and understanding the narration process; second, some disciplines and fields related to culture and mind studies found their way into narratology.


1. The roots of the narratology’s orientation toward interdisciplinary is observable in changes in structural theories.

2. The main factors in these changes were attention to cultural elements and reading process in the reception of narrative structure.

3. These changes caused the targets of narratology to convert into investigate reading proses.

4. Interdisciplinary narratology is one of the practical results of these changes.


Main Subjects

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