Document Type : Original Research Paper


Ph.D in Economic and Developmental Sociology, Sociology Department, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


This article seeks to show the position of "social dimensions of quality of life" in the development plans after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The article is interdisciplinary in nature since it combines socio-economic issues of development affecting the quality of life. In this regard, the social dimension includes "social-economic security", "social cohesion", "social integration", "social empowerment" and "social sustainability".  The main purpose of this article is to answer two questions i.e. "In which development plans more attention has been paid to social aspects of the quality of life?" and, "Which of the social dimensions of quality of life have been considered in development plans?" “Content Analysis Method” has been used to analyze the concept in the text pointing to development plans. The main findings in relation to the aforementioned questions were: “The Fourth Plan” and "Economic-Social Security". Other significant results were: The highest and the lowest presence of each of the social dimensions of quality of life in development plans.


Main Subjects